My busy up & down week.

Hii guys, did you miss me ? I hope you did. πŸ˜…πŸ˜³

I have been really busy adjusting to my new school & figuring out my time & getting everything that needs to be gotten. I do not have classes today as some people might know from my snaps πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ Add my snapchat btw – aminna6. Anyways seeing as I have time, I decided to write !

I got here last week & it was hectic mainly because I had to figure out everything on my own & that was pretty tough but I’m glad I went through it & now everything is wonderful. You might be wondering that what exactly did I go through & I confess that i do not remember everything I went through & I find that so ironical because when we are going through things, we feel like it’s going to last forever but when it finally ends, we forget the intricate details of what we went through(I stand corrected).Β  Anyways as I was saying, my previous week was hectic; I got lost about 4-5 times, lost my purse that contained so many important things, I later found my purse but money was stolen from it, I fell on ice, my hands froze & when they were ‘defrosting’ they hurt so bad for like 2 days, and so on. Now what I just listed might seem like I didn’t go through much & I admit people go through worse but I firstly, I went through way more things than I listed here & secondly, everything is hard & confusing in a new country. Even to get ordinary sim card is hard.

So yes my previous week was bad but let’s forget about the bad week mainly because I’m not one to tell people about my problems especially people who obviously will not have a solution to the problem.

Quick diversion- never tell people who will not have a solution to your problem about your problem(re-read this sentence for clarity). When you tell people, you secretly will be hoping for a solution & all you would get is a simple sorry & you would just feel way worse than you did. I do hear all some people need is a listening ear & if that’s all you need then sure go ahead & tell people but I do recommend God.

Good things also happened last week, I got a new phone, a new laptop(I feel so good writing this blog post !), I have an amazing homestay family & most importantly, I survived last week with the help of God. One thing I realized last week was this, before I tell you what I realized I need to say a quick story. Remember I said I lost my purse, well the day I lost my purse, I was devastated. I was looking forward to a better week & then I realized that I couldn’t find my purse, I honestly thought the world was against me. I told my homestay mum & guess what she did ? she thanked God. She was thanking God that at I didn’t have too much money in it. She found the good in a bad situation. Ofcourse, I didn’t care at the time, I was too sad but the next morning when I had calmed down, I thought about what she said & it made sense to me & I was also a bit disappointed in myself for failing the see the good, after always telling myself to see the good in a bad situation. I immediately decided to ask God for forgiveness & also to thank Him because he indeed has helped me through a lot of harder things so why would I forget so easily ? I also made up my mind that nothing would affect my mind during my classes for the day & I can honestly say that I had a good day even though I had not found my purse just because I chose to find the good in a bad situation & mainly cosΒ  chose to TRUST GOD. So what I realized is that, although it might be hard to see the good a bad situation especially when we are in a bad situation but if we just try a little harder & TRUST GOD, I tell you your situation will gradually turn to good. I promise.

Do you know something ? I’m glad I got lost a couple of times, I’m glad I lost my purse, I’m glad my fingers froze. You know why ? Because the joy of overcoming hurdles feels so much better especially when you struggle to get that joy. I’m glad all this happened because I learnt so much from the experience that I’m able to share my lessons with you beautiful people & who knows ? maybe to help a student who might also be very confused during their first few weeks or months because I know how tough it can be, I would be able to help that person & I would be glad to. As I typed this part about helping another student based on my experience this bibleΒ verse came to my mind, which makes more sense now

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us”- 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

I hope you read the verse, God is amazing isn’t it ? Anyways if you didn’t read it or you didn’t see what was important, the bible verse say God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort other people the same way He comforted us.


I’m so happy I got to share this with you & i hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this.

Let me know what you think in the comment sections & tell me if you missed me or not 😊😊.

As told by Amina

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